DonateLife the official partner of the 2024 Australian Transplant Games

Transplant Australia is proud to announce the Organ & Tissue Authority’s (OTA) continued sponsorship of the Australian Transplant Games and Australian National Team to the World Transplant Games in Dresden next year.

Canberra hosts this year’s national Games from October 1 to 6.

DonateLife has been the key partner to the Games since the creation of OTA in 2009 providing important funding to enable two World Transplant Games in Australia – the Gold Coast in 2009 and Perth in 2023 – to take place while enabling five Australian Transplant Games to promote the positive outcomes of organ and tissue donation.

Transplant Australia Chair, Jason Ryan, thanked the Authority for its continuing support while also emphasising that the Games provided a valuable opportunity for the Government and Authority to converse with people whose lives had been transformed by the DonateLife program.

Federal Health Minister, The Hon. Mark Butler has had a long association with the Games officially opening the World Games in 2009 when he was the Parliamentary Secretary to Health. The Assistant Minister for Health, The Hon. Ged Kearney, opened the World Games in Perth last year, which Lucinda Barry, CEO of the OTA also attended.

The Games provide opportunities for transplant recipients, living donors and donors to improve their physical and mental wellbeing and builds a positive and engaged community of peer support for those impacted by donation and transplantation.

Transplant Australia is proud of this partnership and the positive work we undertake to help the OTA improve donation outcomes in Australia. Encouraging Australians, inspired by our athletes and their stories, to sign on to the Australian Organ Donor Register and inform their families will always remain a key message from the Games.

Pictured above:
  1. Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care, Hon Ged Kearney MP and OTA CEO Lucinda Barry AM with Australian team managers Margaret Hill and Julie Moloney at the 2023 World Transplant Games in Perth.
  2. Kidney recipient, John, presenting Minister for Health and Aged Care, Hon Mark Butler MP with the Gift of Life Baton.
  3. Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care, Hon Ged Kearney MP with Team Ireland at the 2023 World Transplant Games in Perth.
  4. Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care, Hon Ged Kearney MP with Bera Wierhake and Gudren Manuwald-Seemuller from Team Germany at the 2023 World Transplant Games in Perth. Bera is the Official Ambassador for the 2025 World Transplant Games in Dresden, Germany.

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